Sunday, December 7, 2008

Ticks and Leeches

I love Christmas. Aside from the fact that it has become a commercialized holiday focused on greed and endless wishlists, and aside from the other fact that it is supposed to be a celebration of Christ's birth, I enjoy the feeling of the holiday and I enjoy giving gifts. What I do not enjoy is the endless barrage of suggestions to give more. I was at the bookstore yesterday making a purchase (I bought The Perks of Being a Wallflower for my cousin) and the clerk asked if I would like to make a purchase of a children's book to donate as part of a Christmas drive. I politely declined. I have a tight list and a tight budget. Then on the way out of the store there was a small table set up asking for money for some other kind of charity. I just ignored that. Honestly, it bothers me that organizations will prey on the Christmas spirit and try to guilt you into giving more of your money away. If I wanted to make a donation, I would have sought out the organization myself and wrote them a big fat check. But I'm really not interested at the moment.

Another thing that bothers me about this particular time of year is the madness of the holiday shopper - and the holiday seller.

Case in point: Black Friday.

I don't think I should have to say more than that. However, this year there was that shameful stampede at that WalMart in New York where people were killed. Seriously? That's embarrassing. I don't even have words for that situation. I'm just embarrased for humanity.

Then, yesterday, I was at the mall and I'm wandering around minding my own business when a sample of lotion is shoved in my face. You know what I'm talking about - those obnoxious kiosks with those foreigners from God-knows-where selling that over-priced garbage. I said "I've already spent enough at your kiosk" (which of course was a lie) and kept walking, as he called after me "which one?". Does it matter? Then there's the kiosk with the hair straightener. I walked by that kiosk three separate times and all three times the girl asked me if she could show me something. Finally I told her I already bought the product and that it ruined my hair and the warranty didn't cover it. Of course I said it loudly enough so that other passers-by would hear it...
Actually, a while ago I did let them try it out on me and it is a really nice product. But they wanted something close to $300 for it. Which is ludicrous. No thank you.
Anyway, finally I was on my way out of the mall and that obnoxious kiosk owner tried shoving the lotion product in my face again, to which I abruptly turned and said, curtly, "Do I have a big sign on my forehead that says 'harass me'?"
I feel a bit ashamed of my rudeness, but seriously, I'm the shopper. If I wanted the goods (so-called) that you are selling I will come to you. Maybe this kind of behavior is acceptable in Europe or the Middle East or wherever the hell those people are from, but we don't do that kind of obnoxious hawking in the United States.

I'm so annoyed.

In any case, my holiday shopping is just about finished so there's no need for me to venture out into the madness again.

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